David Allen, will you marry me?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am not, by nature, an organized person. I am a creative person. I make connections between things in all directions, not always in obvious ways. This means that while I like to categorize and organize and have structure, I am pretty bad at coming up with structure on my own, because I get overwhelmed by all the different ways it could be done.

Enter the eternally sexy David Allen. And by "sexy", I mean... balding middle-aged consultant in a suit. But any man- or woman, for that matter- who could come up with an organizational system that actually makes sense to me automatically earns the appellation "eternally sexy". It's a rule. Look it up.

The Book

I went out and splurged on this last night. It's moderately famous among geeky sorts, and I'd heard of it before but never really understood the concept. Turns out, it's this perfectly brilliant system for getting stuff out of your head, so you don't have to worry about it constantly.

I stayed up way late last night reading it, and by the time I was done with the second part, I was determined to set this system up for myself. So today was Implementation Day. I followed the rules, I worked through the flowchart, I got in touch with my inner office supply fetishist, and at the end of the day:

The Folders

I have folders.

The DIY Planner

I have a calendar.

The Workspace

I have a workspace where I can do actual work. (My desk doesn't count, because the computer takes up the entire desktop).

And best of all, I got things done today. Lots of things. I made phone calls and sent emails and faxed in forms and put batteries in things and went to the library and changed the paraments and emptied (emptied!!!) both my email inboxes and even had time to do some knitting. Freakin' amazing.

I am a superhero of productivity.

I knew I had to get this into place before I leave for North Dakota, because the one thing that would have made college a million times better for me is the one thing I could never figure out: study skills. Up until college, school was so easy for me that I didn't have to schedule study time or plan to work on assignments before the night before. I never learned the sort of organizational and time-management tricks that were a matter of survival for most people before they got to university. It made my life miserable, but I could never figure out a better way.

Hooray for the people who can figure out better ways!

I predict this semester suddenly becomes a thousand times easier than any semester before.


Katie Collette said...

I am inspired! I, too, never had to use all those plan-ahead study skills before college or, in fact, during my first two years of college when I was an art major. Now, three semesters into my Chem major, I'm finding out that I just don't know how to study effectively. I think I might check this system out. Thanks!

Also, looking forward to seeing you in ND. We have tulips now... just to give you an idea of where we are on the Spring scale. ;)

Anonymous said...


Sorry, but I'm hitched already. But I'm flattered. Delighted to read/see your post - good work! Hang on, the creative space GTD opens up just attracts a lot more into your world! And, actually the receding hairline and suit are merely a costume for those who need to trust the book. Actually, I look and dress more like Tom and Brad and Matt and....


myexperimentalphase said...



Katie Collette said...

Oh my gosh, how exciting! You are famous!