♫ You say goodbye... and I say hello ♫

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I was getting nervous. Application after application went in, and no prospective employers called back. I think I was failing their automated exams, which I am convinced are illegally discriminatory. But railing against the automated application process wasn't getting me any work either.

I was learning what it meant to pray "Give us this day our daily bread". I was scared.

Last week, I sold my most precious yarn, giving me enough to buy a decent load of groceries for that week. I told myself it was a good thing, really; I was learning to let go of material things. Store not up for yourselves treasures on earth and all that.

This week was harder; I sold a shelf-full of my books. Books I love. I gave them one last caress before handing them over to the used book dealer, who cared for them not at all. 22 books turned into $15. I tried very hard not to cry, and succeeded- barely. I still believed God would provide what I needed, but I suspected the Almighty and I were disagreeing on just what constituted need.

I got home, dejected but with money enough to eat. And I looked at the phone. I had a message.

This morning I was selling bits of my soul. This afternoon I had a full-time job. Tomorrow, I'm going back to work.

I say, old chaps, this is a lovely picnic spot, wot wot? We ought to call it Jehovah-jireh. The Lord will provide, you know... eventually.


Masterwabbit said...

Congrats! I was prayin' for you the whole time! Good job on scoring a job! (That sounded lame, I just know it)

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you!!! Yay!!! What's the new job involve? My husband just got a new job, too, and he started training today. (Before the wedding they fired the good manager he was under and put him under a very bad manager who got to stay on because he was paid less than the good manager.)

Wow. Hadn't realized that things were so wacked out with church right now. Will be praying. Have you been able to talk about it with G & G?

Anonymous said...
