It's finally spring!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Finally finally finally! It's spring outside! That means...

Cherry trees!
garden path
cherry blossoms

white flowers
orange flowers

Bike cops!

Okay, I don't have a picture of the bike cops. Wish I did, though. They're yummy-licious.

The weather is beautiful, the windows are open, I'm wearing shorts, I have a positive balance in my bank account, all is right with the world. Any minute now, the Torchwood season finale will show up in the On Demand menu, and I'll be in about a perfect a condition as a person can be on this earth.

Happy Spring!


Masterwabbit said...

YAY! Glad things are finally going your way, sis!

Katie Collette said...

The flowers are beautiful! I saw the first daffodils bloom this week in Grand Forks so you gotta figure we're at least a week behind you. Haha.